Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IPhone Photo Dump

Sam loves to lounge in our bed, all he does is sleep. He is a true lap dog. Ha! Love him to pieces.

Finished the kitchen, loving the color Valspar Antique Fonda. I have always wanted a red kitchen.

I love roosters, I had this one for a long time but never like the color. It had purple tail feathers and I am not a fan of purple. So I decided to spray paint it, antique white. By the way, I have a new obsession with spray paint. I love the way the rooster turned out.

I need some more things on my counter tops and to hang on the wall under my cabinets. I think it looks a little bare.

Saturday the county fair opened, so me and girls went. We had a great time, although you know you ate getting old when you can't handle all the spinning. Ha!

But we still had a great time.

I think it's fair to say you never get to old for the carousel.

I don't know why Rilee is covering face, who knows she is not always a fan of the camera.

Sunday we went to Lincoln Baptist, where Chris will start as interim pastor this Sunday. We are very excited, we feel this is where God is wanting us and where he has been planning on planting us for awhile.

When we moved to our new house a year ago, we joked about how cool it would be to pastor at this church. However we thought it would only be a dream, considering the pastor at the time had been there for many years. Well God has a way of working things out. That pastor retired a few months ago and so Chris sent them a resume. The day he mailed the resume one of the deacons called him that night and asked him to come and preach for them. Now they had not gotten the resume at that time. We all went on that Sunday and Chris preached and after the service they asked him to be their interim. This church is only 2 mi from the house. All the other churches we have served in have been 30-45 min drives for us. So this is a great blessing to be able to serve in our community that we live in. God is Awesome!!!

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Monday, September 5, 2011

True Labor day

We truly had a Labor day, we painted.

When we bought our house it was a blank canvas. Every room was white, Yay for me I get to choose all my colors. This color we went with for the living/dining room is Bungalow Gold. I absolutely love thus color.

Just to give you an idea of what it looked like before.

We got up early on Saturday and painted one coat and then put a second coat in Sunday.

Finished product looks Great!!!
Can't wait, next weekend will be the kitchen.

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my iPhone